Friday, February 10, 2012

Ecstacy - an unquestionable answer, or an unanswerable question?

The hardest thing in life is knowing which bridges to cross and which bridges to burn. People often remain depressed whenever they tend to fail in distinguishing what parts of life to cross in a way they succeed. Usually, while climbing the stairs of the ladder of life, we don't take the proper steps and fall. Falling makes a human disheartened and life seems to be miserable. Even a single hurdle makes us fall with a deeper wound than expected. Indeed life is complicated, yet easy. Herculean, yet angelic. We barely know what surprises life has for us, henceforth, we hate what we get. Here, lets come as one, and enjoy every tits and bits of life.. Let's use our education in easing our problems, not complicating them. We learn for life, not merely to pass some examinations. Get up people, there ain't any point in sitting lonely, there are many who need your company!

Well, Hans Christian Anderson rightly said, " Just living is not enough; One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower." Indeed, the purpose of life, is a life of purpose. People tend to forget what they landed for. Inhumanity, Selfishness, Unkindness, inconsiderate, mean, disobliging and so on. These qualities are quite common, aren't they? Well, they weren't earlier, but now, look around yourself, and just think to yourself, can you even find one person who's kind, generous, amiable, affectionate, indulgent, benevolent or even one percent of the things mentioned here? Indeed, no. Every time we fell into a pit of sadness, drollery, and haziness, we curse someone else. Someone else, for what we did? Oh yeah. Do we ever curse ourselves? No. A big no. Human is sadistic. Always ready to face pain. I guess, we love it. We know which puddle to cross and which not, but still, we choose the difficult one. The one which should be avoided. AVOIDED. Ask yourself, don't you do the same? Perhaps, yes. As we struggle to make sense of things, life looks in repose, for sure. But we have to face it. Somehow. Human never created any lock without a key, so why do you expect God to create a problem without a solution? God always creates a solution to every hurdle fellows. Stop cursing him. Find that key to the lock. Believe me, the day you do so, you'd be the happiest person ever! Like, maybe it isn't that easy, still life isn't a bed of roses. Life is actually a mixed blessing, which we vainly try to unmix. The only way to have a life, is to commit it like crazy. Do whatever you can, whenever you want. For at least this would make you curse yourself for what happens with you, isn't it? Make life your most favorite game. Play it. Win it or lose it. But then, you're responsible for what comes in front of you. Take the challenges as they come. Just accept them. Once you do so, God will realize how stouthearted you are, and he'll send you parcels with solutions to each and every problem.

Basically, once you understand what you're gifted with, you'll love life. I love my life, and so do several others. I like it, despite of the thousands of the hurdles it offers me, despite of the millions of injuries it presents me, and despite of every drollery it gifts me. I do so, `cause, I'm responsible for those hurdles, I'm responsible for those injuries and I, at last, am responsible for all those drolleries. Never do curse someone, never. Be responsible. Face everything as it comes. Just don't turn around. When we are alone on a starlit night, when by chance we see the migrating birds in autumn descending on a grove of junipers to rest and eat; when we see children in a moment when they are really children, when we know love in our own hearts; or when, like the Japanese poet, Basho, we hear an old frog land in a quiet pond with a solitary splash - at such times the awakening, the turning inside out of all values, the "newness," the emptiness and the purity of vision that make themselves evident, all these provide a glimpse of the cosmic dance.

Opportunity is indeed like a bird that never perches. It does, but silently. People say opportunity knocks our doors once, and usually, we tend to ignore it. Regrets, sorrows is what we intend after having lost our good luck. Perhaps, there is nothing as luck. All we have to do, is hard work. Key to success, huh? So, do whatever you're up to, fly up to your aspirations, ambitions, and hallucinations too.Spread your wings wide apart, and there you're ready to fly!

Here we are, concluding, "The meaning of life is not an unquestionable answer, rather an unanswerable question." Just a change in the position of words, but makes a big difference.

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