Sunday, February 12, 2012

The need to know the capital of Florida died, when my phone learnt the answer!

The principle goal of education is to create men and women who are capable of doing new things,not simply repeating what other generations have done.

“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” That’s a simple statement which may probably describe everything that this article contains. Privileged humans spend most of their lives in learning – in educating themselves. Yes, they’re privileged, not because of the way god made them, but because of the way system forced them to be. In literal terms, all of us are entitled to have education, yet not many are provided with proper facilities. Not to blame any specific person, it’s just a matter of mismanagement. 21st century knocked our doors 12 years ago. Have we tried to change anything according to it? Has the method of learning changed in these 12 years? Are we even eligible to be known as the children of 21st century? No. We still believe in learning being possible only within the four walls of a classroom. The youth today, is not willing to stay in the old world, rather it likes to change the world in its own way and live in it. Ask yourself, do the curriculum bounded books teach us something for life? Or wait, are we merely studying to pass some mere examinations? Hell NO! Life has never been so easy to anyone – it always takes a test in order to teach a lesson. Are we ready for those tests then? Yes, I’m not asking for a Mathematics or Science test, rather I’m asking for a test of life. So, wake up people! It’s time to broaden our horizons in order to buck up for the real problems in life. We need to flatten the classrooms and gain a broader perspective. It’s time to change, for change is the only thing constant in life. We’ve already wasted a long life in realizing what we need to do and I guess, we should take a firm decision now.
Education is to know what you didn’t know you didn’t know. No, I haven’t repeated any words, it’s just meant to be that way! With advancement gaining its pace, traditional methods need to be advanced as well. We have to utilize technology and use it as our strength. What's the point in remembering all the stuff which you won't even require further in your life? What's the use of mugging up things which are already available with one touch on a technological device? Nothing much, we're just letting stupidity to engulf our future and lead us to a black hole. A place with darkness, pitch darkness. Is that where we want our future to be?
Think about it once, and wonder what all measures could be taken to bring reforms in education. It might just take our future to a better position, our life to a new - happier - standard ! 

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